Saturday, August 21, 2010

I'm I the only person that feels this way?

Today as I was reading my news feeds on Facebook, I had a moment of clarity. I realized I was guilty of something I have come to despise That is, feeding in to and contributing to the “stereotyping” of black people. There is an image that is all too often portrayed of Black people in America that is disturbing, at best. Yet, far too many of us help to promote that image by what say and listen to and how we liver out lives.

Facebook, like most things has a good and bad side to it. It’s nice to stay in touch with friends and family and to share thoughts. But, it is also used to entertain folks in a negative way by posting degrading images and video’s of Black people (or any race for that matter). As an African-American male, I feel blessed and honored that I am able to see another “man of color” elected to the White House. Many of you have, but for those of you who haven’t, stop and think about the great number of blacks who were beaten and spat on and killed for your right to vote, which led us to this great moment of history. We should never take that right for granted and we should use this as starting point to lift each other. Recently, I have taken up a new hobby of digital scrap booking old family photos and learning more about my family history. In doing so, I've discovered many black and white photos of proud black folk who were dressed in their Sunday's best clothing and if you didn't know your family history, you might think that these folks had money back then. But in my case that wasn't true at all. My folks held common everyday jobs, the only kind Blacks could get back then. However, there seem to be a few more “positive” common denominators among our race back then. Things like self-pride, higher values and morals and a far greater sense of community. I don’t know about you, but I don’t see those things day and it makes me sad. Today, as I read Facebook there were two news feeds that troubled me deeply.

One was of two young black women arguing and then physically fighting about whether one girl is gay or not, both living in government housing and falling right into the negative stereotype that many already believe about our race. Even more troubling was the young lady who originally posted the video had has her favorite quote, "I GOT EVERY REASON 2 FEEL LIKE IM THAT BITCH!" Our people are lost. We must stop belittling our self’s and each other. Black folk is the only race of people who degrade our women and embrace the word ie.. NIGGA. And again, the worst part about this is that we buy right into the hype and the stereotyping EVERYDAY and yes, I’ve done it myself. Do me a favor and don't help the case by posting this mindless cycle of violence, which only serves to further the hype about “no self control, lazy, no good for nothing Negroes.”

I have read articles that stated that white kids bought the majority of gangster rap music, but why is it that the white kids can see the music for what it is "entertainment and not reality. We must wake up our youth (and sadly some adults) and encourage our people to have a bigger plan in life and even plan B,C,D and maybe a Plan E. It's okay to have a dream to play professional sports or even be a rapper, but also get an education or trade along the way. Respect yourself and let’s respect each other and especially our ladies. Let's make America take our race seriously.